Events in the School of Social Sciences

Find out more about events, seminars and public lectures in the School of Social Sciences.

Cecilia Vergnano (KU Leuven). Alpine Border Conflict: Migration and Social Polarization in the Everyday Life of Intra-EU Borders

15:00 - 17:00 17 February 2025

Since 2015, the reintroduction of (racialised) border controls within the supposedly border-free Schengen area and, in particular, at northern Italian borders – envisaged to contain asylum seekers’ so-called “secondary movements” within the EU – gave rise to uncountable migrants’ deaths at intra-EU borders (as well as unquantifiabl..

Mitchell Centre Seminar Series

16:00 - 17:30 19 February 2025

Edmund Chattoe-Brown. University of Leicester. Processes and Theories: Can Agent-Based Modelling Contribute to Our Understanding of Social Networks? Proverbially, to the person who only has a hammer, everything they encounter begins to look like a nail. Even if this is so, it is not that helpful unless we can find something other than a hamm..

Deana Jovanovic (Utrecht University). Staging the Promises: Everyday Future-Making in a Serbian Industrial Town

15:00 - 17:00 24 February 2025

This seminar explores the temporal, political and economic effects of theatrically performed promises of aspirational futures, staged in a Serbian industrial town. Based on a decade-long ethnographic fieldwork among the residents who navigated the remnants of Yugoslav prosperity and the struggles of post-socialist decline, the talk will delve..

Econometrics Seminar - Maximilian Kasy (Oxford)

12:00 - 13:00 24 February 2025

Title TBA

MET Seminar - Bettina Klaus

17:00 - 18:00 26 February 2025

Speaker website: Contact:

Mitchell Centre Seminar Series

16:00 - 17:30 26 February 2025

Milena Tsvetkova London School of Economics. Social networks affect redistribution decisions and polarization. Most people dislike inequality, yet large disparities in income and wealth remain remarkably high in many democratic countries. One possible explanation is that people’s social networks affect their perception of inequality and c..

Still 'Nae Problem' Here?

16:30 - 20:30 27 February 2025

Join the Maryhill Integration Network for a public assembly on Scotland's denial of racism. Introduced by Gary Younge. With pre-discussion food and refreshments (4:30-5:30pm). What are your thoughts on addressing denial of racism? Join us in addressing these important issues, challenge narratives and spark change together - your voice matte..

Emma Crewe (SOAS). Strategic Ignorance, Forgetting and Misrecognition in Parliaments

15:00 - 17:00 03 March 2025

Are parliaments past their heyday or have they never had one? Elected representatives claim to represent our interests, for which they need to know what we need or want, and knowledge brokerage is key to their political work. But obviously this is never a politically neutral activity. Hierarchies of knowledge in Parliament emerge out of socio-..

Macro Seminar - Josef Sigurdsson (Stockholm)

16:00 - 17:00 04 March 2025

Title: It Runs in the Family: Occupational Choice and the Allocation of Talent

Back to the Future: Reconceptualising Environments of Ageing

12:00 - 13:30 05 March 2025

Environments of ageing have long been a focus of social gerontologists. We can see this emphasis reflected in the Social, Behavioural and Design Research Programme (SBDRP) of the Healthy Ageing Challenge, a 4-year (2020–2024) programme of research and innovation in the UK. Collectively, projects under the SBDRP bring a contemporary and evolv..