Past events
Open Minds XVII
We are happy to announce that the seventeenth edition of the graduate conference Open Minds organise...
Polycrisis, Resilience, Sustainability and Social Reproduction
Mini-conference on 'Polycrisis, Resilience, Sustainability and Social Reproduction: Everyday politic...
Early Career Workshop for PGRs and ECRs interested in researching the POLYCRISIS, RESILIENCE, SUSTAI...
AI Governance and Digital Security
AI Governance and Digital Security University of Manchester & Indiana University in collaboration...
Social Norms and Oppressive Structures
A public lecture by Mary Kate McGowan and a 2-day workshop seeking to establish the necessary ingred...
First Manchester Workshop on Islamic Philosophy
A two-day workshop exploring topics in Islamic Philosophy. This event is kindly funded by SoSS Small...
PEC Seminar: Governing the Displaced - Dr Ali Bhagat
On Wednesday 12th June at 3pm in Sam Alex A104, Dr Ali Bhagat will be presenting on his new book, Go...
Adventures in Multi-Species Ethnography 2024
Join Maisie Tomlinson for this 3-day immersive, reflective workshop in multi-species methods in Manc...
Teenage Kicks: Andrea's story
Teenage Kicks is an exhibition about what life was like for teenage girls in Britain in the 1960s. I...
Comparative Politics Seminar
Dr Vicente Valentim, University of Oxford