Bo Hou
Sept 2013 – Sept 2016
Millions of people have migrated within China due to dramatic social, economic, and political changes over the past century. China is one of the fastest ageing countries in the world. We argue that it is very important to study the impacts of migration on health and wellbeing for the older population in China.
However, most of the literature on migration in China has only focused on one particular form of migration (rural to urban). It was also focused on relatively young people within the current economic and political context of market liberalisation.
We will examine different forms of migration in different periods and how these impact on later-life health and well-being.
To do this, we use China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. A high-quality national representative dataset that represents the health and wellbeing of the Chinese population over 45 years old.
Our analysis shows that the relationship between migration and health and wellbeing depends on the type of migration, with migration to or within urban areas having the most positive effects. It also shows a variation in the context of migration across different periods and the benefits of migration.
- Prof James Nazroo
- Prof James Banks
- Dr Alan Marshall
Prior to joining CCSR, I did an MSc Economics at Economics department, I did my MSc dissertation at Centre for Health Economics with Prof Matt Sutton, which we looked at the evidence for Physician-Induced Demand in China’s health care system, using CHARLS. I completed a BSc Economics at Bristol University in 2010 and a MA Economics here in 2011.
Previously interned at Citibank and Bank of China in China, I work part-time managing my own stock portfolio since Sep 2011, this partly funds my research. I am interested in mobile internet and consumer behaviours, with a focus of the Chinese market.
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