Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Edmund Chattoe-Brown. University of Leicester. Processes and Theories: Can Agent-Based Modelling Contribute to Our Understanding of Social Networks? Proverbially, to the person who only has a hammer, everything they encounter begins to look like a nail. Even if this is so, it is not that helpful unless we can find something other than a hamm..
Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Milena Tsvetkova London School of Economics. Social networks affect redistribution decisions and polarization. Most people dislike inequality, yet large disparities in income and wealth remain remarkably high in many democratic countries. One possible explanation is that people’s social networks affect their perception of inequality and c..
Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Dorottya Hoor. University College London
Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Michael Genkin. University of Manchester.
Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Juergen Lerner. University of Konstanz
Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Giulia Berlusconi. University of Surrey
Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Alessandro Lomi. University of Lugano
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