Conflict, security and political violence
Expert comment on European and global politics.
Dr Ali Bhagat
Ali is an expert on refugees, migration, race and racism, and global development. His research focuses on refugee governance in the European Union and in Sub-Saharan Africa.
He has conducted extensive research on and with international NGOs, various EU organizations, departments of government, UN organisations, private sector and international financial institutions, as well as refugees themselves.
Ali has secondary expertise in the politics of sexuality and gender and is also concerned with racial inequality and social movements within rising populism in Europe and in the United States. With a background in global/international development, Ali can also speak to issues concerning the politics of urban displacement including evictions, homelessness, joblessness, and political difference.
Dr Martin Coward
Martin has expertise in relation to terrorism, genocide, and war. In particular, he has expertise on terrorism and conflict in cities. He has commented for BBC, Sky News, The Conversation and Policy@Manchester.
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Dr Jess Gifkins
Jess has expertise on the United Nations, the ‘responsibility to protect’, debates on UN reform, and the UK at the UN. She has written for The Conversation, and research of hers has been published in The Guardian and The Economist.
A report that she co-authored on ‘Global Britain in the United Nations’ was launched in Westminster by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the United Nations. She has published research on UN Security Council agreements responding to crises in Darfur, Syria, Libya, and Yemen.
Prof Peter Gries
Peter is a political psychologist with expertise in Chinese and American politics and foreign policy, US-China relations, and nationalism. He studies the causes and consequences of how Chinese feel and think about the world - and how the world feels and thinks about China. Peter is particularly interested in the dynamics of misperception and mistrust, with an eye towards the reduction of international conflict. He directs the Manchester China Institute.
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- Phone: 0161 2754646
Prof James Pattison
James has expertise in relation to war and conflict, writing widely on humanitarian intervention, private military and security companies, the responsibility to protect, and the ethics of war. His first book, Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect: Who Should Intervene?, was published by Oxford University Press in 2010. He has spoken widely to the media on the ongoing crisis in Syria and is currently working on a project that examines the case for economic sanctions, diplomatic coercion, and other non-military options.
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