Finding a supervisor
As a student you will have two supervisors in order to cover sufficient specialism and a variety of skills and expertise within your research project.
Our varied research interests allow us to offer postgraduate research supervision in a wide range of topics and regions.
We work across a range of social anthropology research areas and projects, our specialisms include:
- Critical, political and moral economy
- States, cities, borders and mobilities
- Visual, sensory and material anthropology
- Anthropology of science, technology and medicine
Explore our key research themes below and the staff who work within these, then click through to see their individual interests and what they would be keen to supervise.
Research themes
Global inequalities
- Sebastien Bachelet
- Arran Calvert
- Rupert Cox
- Juan Manuel del Nido
- Jeanette Edwards
- Gillian Evans
- Lorenzo Ferrarini
- Maia Green
- Penny Harvey
- Andrew Irving
- Stef Jansen
- Michelle Obeid
- Patrick O'Hare
- Madeleine Reeves
- Tony Simpson
- Connie Smith
- Katie Smith
- Angela Torresan
- Olga Ulturgasheva
- Karen Sykes
- Soumhya Venkatesan
- Peter Wade
- Chika Watanabe
- William Wheeler
Data and methods
- Dr Sebastien Bachelet
- Dr Rupert Cox
- Juan Manuel del Nido
- Prof Andrew Irving