Past events
Aaron Benavav - Workshop - Unemployment, Underemployment, and Informality on the World Scale
This workshop will engage with the complex dynamics of unemployment, underemployment, and informalit...
PEC Seminar with Aaron Benavav (University of Cornell) - The Impact of Generative AI on Employment: Hype, Reality, and the Future of Work
This talk provides a critical analysis of the potential impact of generative AI technologies, such a...
Shirin Rai - Depletion: The Human Costs of Caring
Abstract. When thinking about the work of caring for others we often neglect the human cost born by...
Global Policy North Workshop
GPN Workshops take place on a regular, termly basis. The workshop provides an opportunity for resear...
Polycrisis, Resilience, Sustainability and Social Reproduction
Mini-conference on 'Polycrisis, Resilience, Sustainability and Social Reproduction: Everyday politic...
Early Career Workshop for PGRs and ECRs interested in researching the POLYCRISIS, RESILIENCE, SUSTAI...
PEC Seminar: Governing the Displaced - Dr Ali Bhagat
On Wednesday 12th June at 3pm in Sam Alex A104, Dr Ali Bhagat will be presenting on his new book, Go...
'Feminist Political Economy: A Global Perspective' Book launch
With: Dr Sara Stevano, Senior Lecturer in Economies at SOAS, University of London. University of Ma...
"Managing the Wealth of Nations": PEC Research Seminar
What a conceptual and ideas-based approach can tell us about capitalism and economic development, 15...
Pax Economica: Left-Wing Versions of a Free Trade World
Dr Marc-William Palen, Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter. A PEC Research Seminar, co-sponsored...