Research outputs
The latest publications and other outputs from our researchers.
Publications 2022-2024
Find more details on individuals' publications please check their staff profiles.
- Carolyn Abbot and Maria Lee, “NGOs Shaping Public Participation Through Law: The Aarhus Convention and Legal Mobilisation” (2023) Journal of Environmental Law (accepted / in press).
- Guy Baldwin, “Rawls and Animal Moral Personality” (2023) 13(7) Animals 1238.
- Fiona Brimblecombe, N. Ryder and S. Bourton, “The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill and the Exchange of Information” Journal of Economic Criminology (accepted / in press).
- Ricardo Buendia, “Examining recent initiatives to ensure labour rights for platform workers in the European Union to tackle the problem of domination” (2023) Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.
- Amber Darr, Competition Law in South Asia: Diffusion and Transfer (CUP, 2023).
- Elaine Dewhurst, Age Discrimination Laws in the EU in Sue Westwood and Nancy Knauer (eds.), Research Handbook on Law, Society and Ageing (Edward Elgar, 2024) (accepted waiting publication).
- Javier Garcia Oliva and H. Hall, Constitutional Culture, Independence and Rights: Insights from Quebec, Scotland and Catalonia (University of Toronto Press, 2023).
- Fae Garland and M. Travis, Intersex Embodiment: Legal Frameworks Beyond Identity and Patienthood (Bristol University Press, 2022).
- Luke Graham, “Poverty: The Cost-of-Living-Perma-Crisis and the UDHR” (2024) European Human Rights Law Review (accepted/in press).
- Neville Harris and S. Riddell, “Ensuring Rights Matter: England’s and Scotland’s Frameworks for Implementing the Rights of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities” (2022) 26(9) International Journal of Human Rights 1671.
- Aristea Koukiadaki, “Global Supply Chains and Labour Standards: From a Patchwork of Rules to a Web of Rules?” in B. Colfer, B. Harney, C. McLaughlin, & C. F. Wright (eds.), Protecting the Future of Work: New Institutional Arrangements for Safeguarding Labour Standards (Emerald Publishing, 2023).
- Ruth Lamont, “Child protection in international family law and the determination of where a child 'belongs' for the purpose of jurisdiction” (2022) 34(4) Child and Family Law Quarterly 401.
- Geoff Pearson and C. Stott, A New Agenda for Football Crowd Management: Reforming Legal and Policing Responses to Risk (Palgrave, 2022).
- Robert Thomas, Administrative Law in Action: Immigration Administration (Hart Publishing, 2022).