Publications and outputs


Heaphy, B, Smart, C and Einarsdottir, A. Same Sex Marriages (2013) London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapters

Heaphy B ‘Reflexivity sexualities or reflexive sociology?’, in Sally Hines and Yvette Taylor (eds) Sexualities: Past Reflections, Future Directions in London: Palgrave Macmillan. (2012).  Buy a copy of this book online

Einarsdottir, A (2012) 'Sexy subject, unflattering questions: Interviewing partners about intimacies and sex' In  N. Phellas (Ed) Researching non-heterosexual sexualities. (pp. 215-234). Farnham: Ashgate.

Journal articles

Heaphy, B. and Einarsdottir, A. (2012) ‘Scripting Civil Partnership: Interviewing Couples Together and Apart’ Qualitative Research, 22 August DOI: 10.1177/1468794112454997


Carol Smart interviewed about experiences of being in civil partnership by Laurie Taylor on BBC Radio 4's Thinking Allowed, 11 April 2012.

'Same sex, same reasons' Campus roundup Times Higher Education, 29 March 2012

Carol Smart talking about the history of marriage on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, 26 March 2012 (chapter 2).

Gray, S (2012) 'Study says civil partnerships are "treated like parents' marriages"' Pink News, 14 March.

Lloyd, P (2012) 'Couples enter into civil partnerships for love, not law, says university study' Pink Paper, 14 March.

Carol Smart interviewed for article on the history of marriage: Everitt, L (2012) 'Ten key moments in the history of marriage' BBC News Magazine, 14 March.

Brian Heaphy interviewed for article on civil partnerships in Greater Manchester: Welsh, P (2011) 'Registrars report slump in 'gay weddings' in Greater Manchester Manchester Evening News, Manchester 21 July.


Heaphy, B (2014) Same-sex marriage: Celebrating recognition and equality? [Online] 1 April. Available from Manchester Policy Blogs: Accessed 22 April 2014.

Heaphy, B (2014) Same-sex marriage: Time to celebrate? [Online] 4 March. Available from Discover Society: Accessed: 22 April 2014.

Presentations and talks

Einarsdottir, A, Heaphy, B and Smart, C (2012) '"Fitting it in": Sex and Civil Partnerships' British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Leeds, April.

Heaphy, B (2011) ‘The Personal and the Social in Turbulent Times’ European Sociological Association Conference, Geneva, September 2011. (Plenary)

Heaphy, B (2011) 'Same sex marriage: new generations, ordinary experiences?' Same Sex Marriage: Before and After, University of Manchester, 25 March.

Einarsdottir, A (2011) 'Civil partnerships' Manchester Metropolitan University seminar, 23 September.

Einarsdottir, A (2011) 'Broad menus : the sexual lives of 'married' same sex couples', British Sociological Association Annual Conference, London School of Economics, 6-8 April.

Einarsdottir, E and Heaphy, B (2010) 'Stories we tell, relationships we live: Interviewing couples together and apart' British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University, 9 April.

Einarsdottir, E and Heaphy, B (2010) 'Marriage projects : young couples’ civil partnerships' British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University, 9 April.

Einarsdottir, A and Heaphy, B (2010) 'Vital scripts? : expectations and experiences of 'married' life' Vital Signs 2, University of Manchester, 7 September.

Einarsdottir, A and Heaphy, B (2010) 'A date or a drink? : how civil partners meet', 10th International Conference on Bisexuality, London, 26 August.

Heaphy, B (2010) 'Civil partnership, ordinariness and citizenship' Sociology Department Seminar, City University, 28 October.

Heaphy, B (2010) 'Researching 'critical' chosen relationships' 17th International Sociological Association Annual Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11 July. Part of session on methods in family research.

Heaphy, B (2010) ‘Developments in conjugal life:' EU funded Family Platform Conference, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 26 May. (Keynote)

Heaphy, B (2010) ‘Stories that matter: young people’s representations of their sexualities and relationships in a context of social change’ Symposium on participatory archives and young people, Durban, South Africa, 17-19 March. (Keynote)

Heaphy, B (2010) 'Living with equality? : LGBT lives across the generations' Broadening Horizons: Sexuality, equality and diversity, Newcastle University, 11 March

Heaphy, B, Smart, C and Einarsdottir, A (2010) 'Critical moments : young couples transitioning into civil partnerships' 17th International Sociological Association Annual Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11 July.

Heaphy, B, Einarsdottir, A and Smart, C (2010) 'Just like marriage? : young couples' civil partnerships' 9th European Sociological Association Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 3 September

Einarsdottir, E (2009) 'I, you and we : interviewing same sex couples together and apart' 9th European Sociological Association Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 September. Part of research relations and ethical issues seminar.

Heaphy, B, Einarsdottir, A and Smart, C (2009) 'Scripting civil partnerships : the interpersonal production of contemporary marriages' Turning Personal, University of Manchester, 16 September.

Heaphy, B (2008) 'Sexual intersubjectivities : reflexivity, embodiment and power' Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture, University of Manchester, 9 December.