Emily Buehler
Social Research Methods and Statistics (MSc)
Emily Buehler came to Manchester from the US to study for an MSc in the School of Social Sciences. She chose the MSc to gain the research methodology skills she needed for her continuing academic career. Manchester to Emily means beautiful buildings, affordable restaurants and an opportunity to explore Europe.
“I chose to study at Manchester as I was looking for a course that would give me skills in social science research methodology, with a specific focus on quantitative methods. My master’s degree provides a good foundation of statistical and research methods, and I’ve really enjoyed the course units on more advanced statistical methods – for example our unit on structural equation and latent variable modelling.
“What I like most about being a student in Manchester is the discounts available at restaurants! I’ve also recently begun to complete some part-time freelance work as a student researcher for a company that specialises in accommodation for students. It’s nice to have an additional source of income, and it allows me to make professional connections and gain experience.
“I love the beautiful buildings around the University campus, particularly in the Old Quad. The Beyer Building is covered with ivy that turns bright red in the autumn, and I loved catching glimpses of it on my walks around campus. I live in the postgraduate residence, George Kenyon Hall, which is conveniently located in the centre of campus. It’s hard to beat a five-minute walk to the library.
"Two years before coming to Manchester I was living in rural Japan in a town of only 5,000 people. Transitioning to city living was tough at first, but it is nice to be so close to the Peak District and Lake District. Just a short train ride and I can get back out to nature!
“Being in the UK has allowed me to do a lot of travel – it’s a very convenient location for exploring Europe. Manchester Airport is really nice, as you can just get the train from Piccadilly Station – it takes less than 20 minutes and you’re right in the airport. It’s really convenient too as there are a lot of budget airlines – I’ve travelled to the Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany and Austria for holidays. I also enjoy getting out to Scotland and Wales on the weekends for hiking and sightseeing, as I’m involved with the Hiking and Running Clubs here. It’s been great to have organised opportunities to be active both in the city and out in the parks nearby.
“My plan for after graduation is to continue my studies through a PhD in Criminology here at the School of Law. I secured funding at the University for my PhD – it’s really nice that I had a project that the University believed in enough to fund. I definitely think that the training in research methods that I gained through my master’s will be invaluable as I pursue my PhD.”